What to give and what not to give… That is the question!

As parents it's hard sometimes to know what our kids really need. 

I heard from a frustrated parent today- "My kid is having a really bad day.   She's ungrateful and selfish.  I think she has too much.  I think I do too much for her." I winced. 

I winced because Mom wondered if the solution to her kid’s present state of ungratefulness to be to take away her WanderPonder time.

But I also winced with understanding and compassion.  I've been there. I'm a parent 4x over. I get it. 

How do I know what my kids need? When am I giving too much? When am I providing too many opportunities? Too many resources?

There are not many absolutes in life,  but when this momma decided not to take away WanderPonder time from her child, she got pretty darn close to an absolute.  Offering the gift of presence. The gift of listening. The gift of being with our senses in nature. The gift of warmth and laughter. The gift of respect and understanding and tears. These are not the things to take away from a child. 

When a discontented and ungrateful attitude shows up, as parents, we might need to limit gadgets and gizmos. Maybe give away some of those presents she doesn’t seem to appreciate, but please don't take away Presence.

It's pretty much a definite path back to a child’s feeling of contentment and gratitude. (And very likely your path back to sanity!)


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