The Power of Story Time

boy reading a book by the sea and connecting with himself and the world around him

Story time and oral book reading are enchanting experiences that offer more than just entertainment; they are critical components in the development of healthy minds and emotional well-being. Delving into a story, ignites curiosity, an essential element that propels the listener to explore, wonder, and connect with the world in profound ways. This journey through narratives not only entertains but also educates, cultivates empathy, and fosters social connections, laying a strong foundation for lifelong learning and emotional intelligence.

During a WanderPonder story time, Christina actively engages with all those present both young and old. Christina masterfully and whimsically speaks to the heart of all who are present no matter the age. Christina invites her listeners to think critically and imaginatively, make social and emotional connections, and apply these connections to themselves and the world around them.

Stories are a doorway to empathy, compassion and community. They allow us to connect with a character’s struggles, experience their joys, challenges, and growth which increases emotional intelligence. Through story we learn to accept and feel our own emotions and the emotions of others.

Socially, a WanderPonder story time brings people together, be it in a park, a backyard, or among friends at a bookshop. Christina invites communication, encouraging participants to reflect on the story, share their thoughts, and ask questions. This exchange builds a sense of community and connection.

Engaging with a book allows for a pause from our fast-pace frenzy, offering a moment of reflection and delight. WanderPonder story times encourage us to slow down, be present, and engage with the characters and each other— everything we want & need arises naturally without stress or strain.

Excited to experience the many benefits of Story Time? Visit our WanderPonder Events page to see upcoming story time events!


Connecting with Nature